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This section is so long that it deserves its own blog post.

Valid expression[]

All valid expressions are the form of:


,where A is an erdinal and n is a natural number excluding 0 and 1 (maybe it works for 0 and 1, but not needed. Who would plug in ZERO in the argument of FGH?).

And the definition of an "erdinal" is as follows:

  1. 0
  2. A+B, where A and B are erdinals and A cannot be written as X+Y for erdinals X and Y
  3. ψ_A(B), where A and B are erdinals and A is legural (of course this psi symbol can be replaced by a trident mark)
  4. C(|{n}o), where n is a natural number including 0 (I made the 1 and 0 slightly look different to distinguish them from the "1" in the syntax sugar)

Let I=C(|{0}0), W=ψ_I(0), 1=ψ_W(0), and w=ψ_W(1).


  1. If A=0: f_0(n) = n+1
  2. Else, if Cough(A)=1: f_A(n) = f_〈A〉[0](f_〈A〉[0](...(f_〈A〉[0](n))...)), with n f's
  3. Else: f_ψ_A(B)(n) = f_〈ψ_A(B)〉[Cast(n)](n)

This definition is not perfect because I have not defined Cough, Cast, and 〈X〉[n]. I will define those below.



Before dealing with an erdinal expression, there must be a few phases before the actual computation. Or, more formally, these phases can be thought to be at the end of every computation.


This phase removes something like \( \psi(\psi(\Omega)) \).

Procedure: If you see ψ_A(ψ_B(C)) where Cmp(A,B)=0 and Cmp(Cough(B),C)=-1 or 0, change it to ψ_A(C). The change is made from left to right according to the position of ψ corresponding to the A.


This phase removes all the expressions ψ_B(0) except ψ_I(0) and ψ_W(0). Also it removes something like \( \psi_{\psi_M(M^{M^M})}(I) (= \psi_M(M^{M^I})) \).

Procedure: If you see ψ_B(C) (let it A),

  1. If B's Tier is 0 or lower, desubroundificate B and C, and the process is done.
  2. Else, if B=C(|{n}o) and Cmp(B,C)=+1 and n>0: Change A to ψ_C(|{m}o)(C), where m is the smallest natural number such that Cmp(C(|{m}o),C)=+1.
  3. Else:
    1. Desubroundificate B. Now B must be able to be written as ψ_D(E).
      1. If Cmp(Cough(D),C)=+1: Let F the desubroundification of ψ_D(〈E〉[C]). Change A to F, and the process is done.
      2. Else, change nothing.

The change is made from left to right according to the position of ψ corresponding to the B.

And now the main phase.


I define the Tier of an erdinal A as follows:

  1. If A is 0, it is Tier -4.
  2. If A is D+E:
    1. If D=0: A is the same Tier as E.
    2. Else, if E=0: A is the same Tier as D.
    3. Else, A is the same tier as E.
  3. If A is ψ_D(E):
    1. If Cmp(D,W)=0 and E=0: A is Tier -3.
    2. Else, if D's Tier >=1 and Cmp(D, Cough(E))=0 or -1: A's Tier is D's Tier -1.
    3. Else, if D's Tier >=1 and Cmp(D, Cough(E))=+1 and E's Tier >=-2: A's Tier is E's Tier.
    4. Else, if D's Tier is -1:
      1. If E's Tier is -4:
        1. D must be W because desubroundification is assumed. So A=ψ_W(0)=1's Tier is -3.
      2. Else, if E's Tier is -3 or -2: A's Tier is -2.
      3. Else, if Cmp(D, Cough(E))=+1: A's Tier is E's Tier.
      4. Else: A's Tier is -2.
    5. Else, if D's Tier is 0:
      1. If E's Tier is -4 or -3: GOTO 3.7
      2. Else, if Cmp(D, Cough(E))=+1: A's Tier is E's Tier.
      3. Else: A's Tier is -2.
    6. Else, if E's Tier is -4 or -3: GOTO 3.7
    7. If you get to here, D's Tier must be 0 or higher and E's Tier is -4 or -3.
    8. In that case, A=ψ_D(E)'s Tier is -1.
  4. If A is C(|{n}o), it is Tier n.


Tier -4 is zero
Tier -3 is successor
Tier -2 is countable limit
Tier -1 is accessible cardinals
Tier 0 is inaccessibles, including hypers
Tier 1 is Mahlos
Tier 2 is stages
Tier 3 is metastages
Tier 4 is metametastages


I define Cough(A) for an erdinal A as follows:

  1. If A=0: Cough(0)=0
  2. If A=D+E:
    1. If D=0: Cough(0+E)=Cough(E)
    2. Else, If E=0: Cough(D+0)=Cough(D)
    3. Else: Cough(D+E)=Cough(E)
  3. If A=C(|{n}o):
    1. Cough(A)=A
  4. If A=ψ_D(E):
    1. If A is Tier -3: Cough(A)=1
    2. Else, if A is Tier -2: Cough(A)=w
    3. Else: Cough(A)=A

If an erdinal A satisfies Cmp(Cough(A),A)=0, A is said to be legural.


I define A⊕B as follows:

  1. If B=0: A⊕B=A.
  2. If B cannot be written as D+E:
    1. If A cannot be written as F+G: A⊕B=A+B.
    2. Else: Let A=F+G and A⊕B=F+(G⊕B).
  3. Else: Let B=D+E and A⊕B=(A⊕D)⊕E.

I need this because I let A+B+C is always A+(B+C) in the definition.


I define Cmp(A,B) for erdinals A and B as follows. It returns either -1, 0, or +1 (these are meaningless symbols). Cmp(A,B)=+1 is supposed to imply A>B, Cmp(A,B)=0 is supposed to imply A=B, and Cmp(A,B)=-1 is supposed to imply A<B.

  1. If A=0:
    1. If B=0: Cmp(0,0)=0
    2. Else: Cmp(0,B)=-1
  2. If A=D+E:
    1. If D=0: Cmp(0+E,B)=Cmp(E,B)
    2. Else, if E=0: Cmp(D+0,B)=Cmp(D,B)
    3. Else, if B=0: Cmp(D+E,0)=+1
    4. Else, if B=F+G:
      1. If F=0: Cmp(D+E, 0+G)=Cmp(D+E,G)
      2. Else, if Cmp(D,F) is not 0: Cmp(D+E, F+G)=Cmp(D,F)
      3. Else: Cmp(D+E, F+G)=Cmp(E,G)
    5. Else, if Cmp(D,B)=0: Cmp(D+E,B)=+1
    6. Else: Cmp(D+E,B)=Cmp(D,B)
  3. If A=ψ_D(E):
    1. If B=0: Cmp(A,0)=+1
    2. Else, if B=F+G:
      1. If Cmp(A,F)=0: Cmp(A,F+G)=-1
      2. Else: Cmp(A,F+G)=Cmp(A,F)
    3. Else, if B=ψ_F(G): // I'm not sure if it works well!
      1. If the Tiers of D and F are the same:
        1. If Cmp(D,F) is not 0: Cmp(A,B)=Cmp(D,F)
        2. Else: Cmp(A,B)=Cmp(E,G)
      2. Else, if Cmp(D,F)=0: Cmp(A,B)=Cmp(E,G)
      3. Else:
        1. If Tier of D is less than Tier of F: Cmp(A,B)=-Cmp(B,A) where -(-1)=+1, -(0)=0, and -(+1)=-1
        2. Else:
          1. If F's Tier is -1:
            1. Let H as follows.
              1. If there exists n such that Cmp(D, C(|{n}o))=0: H=ψ_D(E⊕1)
              2. Else: take the smallest n such that Cmp(D, C(|{n}o))=-1. Then H=ψ_C(|{n}o)(A⊕1).
            2. If Cmp(H,F) is not 0: Cmp(A,B)=Cmp(H,F).
            3. Else, if G is not 0: Cmp(A,B)=-1.
            4. Else: Cmp(A,B)=0.
          2. Else:
            1. Let D's Tier h and F's Tier i.
            2. Let J[l], where i<=l<=h-1, as follows:
              1. Let J[h-1]=ψ_D(E⊕D). // ψ_J[h-1](0) should be equal to A.
              2. for k from h-2 downto i:
                1. Let J[k]=ψ_J[k+1](J[k+1]). // ψ_J[k](0) should be equal to A for al h-2>=k>=i.
            3. If Cmp(J[i],F) is not 0: Cmp(A,B)=Cmp(J[i],F).
            4. Else, if G is not 0: Cmp(A,B)=-1.
            5. Else: Cmp(A,B)=0.
    4. Else, if B=C(|{n}o):
      1. If Cmp(D,B)=-1 or 0: Cmp(A,B)=-1
      2. Else, if there exists m such that Cmp(D,C(|{m}o))=0:
        1. If Cmp(D,E)=+1: Cmp(A,B)=Cmp(E,B)
        2. Else, if Cmp(D,E)=0 and m=n+1: Cmp(A,B)=0
        3. Else: Cmp(A,B)=+1
      3. Else: Cmp(A,B)=+1
  4. If A=C(|{n}o):
    1. If B=0: Cmp(A,0)=+1
    2. Else, if B=F+G:
      1. If Cmp(A,F)=0: Cmp(A,F+G)=-1
      2. Else: Cmp(A,F+G)=Cmp(A,F)
    3. Else, if B=ψ_F(G):
      1. Cmp(A,B)=-Cmp(B,A) where -(-1)=+1, -(0)=0, and -(+1)=-1 JUST LOOK AT ANOTHER SECTION
    4. Else, if B=C(|{m}o):
      1. If n>m: Cmp(A,B)=+1
      2. Else, if n=m: Cmp(A,B)=0
      3. Else: Cmp(A,B)=-1

Fundamental Sequence[]

I define 〈X〉[n], where X and n are erdinals, as follows. This is the main part of this notation.

  1. If X=0: 〈X〉[n]=0
  2. If X=A+B:
    1. If A=0: 〈0+B〉[n]=〈B〉[n]
    2. Else, if B=0: 〈A+0〉[n]=〈A〉[n]
    3. Else: 〈A+B〉[n]=A+〈B〉[n]
  3. If X=ψ_A(B):
    1. If X is Tier -3: 〈X〉[n]=0
    2. If X is Tier -2:
      1. If Cmp(Cough(B),1)=0:
        1. If n=0: 〈X〉[n]=0
        2. If n=1: 〈X〉[n]=ψ_A(〈B〉[0])
        3. Else, if n=D+1: 〈X〉[n]=〈X〉[D]⊕〈X〉[1]
        4. Else (when n is neither 0 nor 1+1+...+1): 〈X〉[n]=0
      2. Else, if Cmp(A,Cough(B))=0:
        1. If n=0: 〈X〉[n]=ψ_A(〈B〉[0])
        2. If n=1: 〈X〉[n]=〈X〉[0+1]
        3. Else, if n=D+1: 〈X〉[n]=ψ_A(〈B〉[〈X〉[D]])
        4. Else (when n is neither 0 nor 1+1+...+1): 〈X〉[n]=0
      3. Else: 〈X〉[n]=〈ψ_A(〈B〉[ψ_Cough(B)(B)])〉[n]
    3. If X is Tier -1 or higher: 〈X〉[n]=n
  4. If X=C(|{n}o): 〈X〉[n]=n


I will define Cast(n) as follows. It takes a natural number and returns an erdinal.

  1. Cast(0)=0
  2. Cast(1)=1
  3. Cast(n+1)=Cast(n)⊕1 for n>0


Syntax Sugar[]

"Once you have these rules in your heads you can write a million different numbers by mixing them up!"

"But it doesn't MEAN anything!"

"So we use alphabets. One letter for one expression."

  • N = ψ_T(ψ_ψ_X(X+1)(T))
  • K = ψ_T(ψ_ψ_X(X+1)(ψ_ψ_X(X+1)(T)))
  • 4 = 1+1+1+1
  • 3 = 1+1+1
  • X = C(|{3}o)
  • 2 = 1+1
  • 6 = 1+1+1+1+1+1
  • 5 = 1+1+1+1+1
  • 8 = 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
  • 7 = 1+1+1+1+1+1+1
  • 9 = 1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1+1
  • M = C(|{1}o)
  • Y = C(|{4}o)
  • T = C(|{2}o)



Assuming everything above WERE well-defined, I will define the limit function as follows:

f_SDO(n) = f_C(|{n}o)(n)

Ordinals(NOT Erdinals)[]

Fix one fundamental sequence each for EVERY limit ordinal up to \( \omega_1^{CK} \) inclusive(yes, I understand what I wrote here). Now FGH up to \( \omega_1^{CK} \) inclusive is well-defined because the fundamental sequence is defined.

Consider the following condition on \( \alpha \):

$$ \forall m \in \mathbb{N}, \exists N \in \mathbb{N}, \forall x \in \mathbb{N}, \left( x > N \Rightarrow {FGH}^m_{\alpha}(x) < f_{SDO}(x) \right) $$

I will define SANA(SDO Analogue from NIECF Analysis) as the smallest \( \alpha \) such that the condition above is FALSE. I did not end the acronym with O because SANA depends on how you choose the fundamental sequences, but SANA is believed to be ψψIO with "the standard" fundamental sequences.

The smallest possible SANA is \( \omega \) by taking \( \omega[n]=f_{SDO}(n) \)(note that this is not circular definition), so I call \( \omega \) SSO for the first fixed point of α→"Small α Ordinal" after "Small SANA Ordinal". In other words, SSO stands for "Small SSO Ordinal".
