Googology Wiki
Googology Wiki

Initial Thinking

Forest (hypertree) functions could be used to count trees.

Forest numbers would be equivilant to ordinality.


I found a post from @hyp_cos TREE into SVG.

I then found this gem from @hyp_cos which states: 

  • When we go through all the forests, we get a limit of ε0.
  • Using forests and self-loops, we get ε1.
  • Using forests and no-fused cycles, we get ϑ(Ωω), or SVO.
  • The set of forests made from them (you can use different cycle-one-edge-fusing-trees) reaches BHO.

This seems to confirm my initial thinking regarding the correlation of tree : forest.


Working on a jungle number extension such that jungle numbers (considering a jungle to be an inaccessible hyperforest) would map to cardinality.

Also working on the correlation of rose numbers/functions.

