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im bad at extending this to make it sound "formal" so i will just dump the definition

Notated as:

for (n!! . . !! as on iteration, not as on the double factorial)

First few values[]

1? = 1

2? = 2

3? = 3!! = 6! = 720

4? = 4!!! . . (720 !'s) . . !!! 538 PT (1.449268888905 × 1025) (not so good approximation) E25#539

5? = no idea how to calculate

any sugestions to how i shall name this? i have considered interrogatorial (or ?torial) and detonatorial (detonate + factorial, kinda obvious), i also thought of making it the fourth superfactorial, since it beats all of them

edit: i dont think i wanna name it detonatorial, so either i name interrogatorial (or ?torial) or i make a superfactorial
