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39 (read as "to-the-third-nine") is a positive integer equal to \(9^{9^{9}} = 9^{387,420,489} \approx 4.281247731757470 \times 10^{369,693,099}\). It has 369,693,100 digits. The superscript represents tetration. It is also called Ulysses Number.[1]


Notation Lower bound Upper bound
Scientific notation \(4.281\times10^{369\,693\,099}\) \(4.282\times10^{369\,693\,099}\)
Arrow notation \(9\uparrow\uparrow3\)
Steinhaus-Moser Notation 8[3][3] 9[3][3]
Copy notation 3[3[9]] 4[4[9]]
Taro's multivariable Ackermann function A(3,A(3,27)) A(3,A(3,28))
Pound-Star Notation #*((1))*6798 #*((1))*6799
BEAF {9,3,2}
Hyper-E notation E[9]1#3
Bashicu matrix system (0)(1)[5] (0)(1)[6]
Hyperfactorial array notation (11!)! (12!)!
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_2(f_2(25))\) \(f_2(f_2(26))\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^22}(25)\) \(H_{\omega^22}(26)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\omega^{\omega^\omega}}(9)\)


See also[]
