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The tetreicosillion is equal to \(10^{3\times 10^{72}+3}\) or \(10^{3\text{ trevigintillion }3}\).[1]

SuperJedi224 coined trito-yoctillion for this number, and is equal to H(1072) using H* function.[2]


Notation Lower bound Upper bound
Arrow notation \(1000\uparrow(1+10\uparrow72)\)
Down-arrow notation \(1000\downarrow\downarrow25\) \(760\downarrow\downarrow26\)
Steinhaus-Moser Notation 43[3][3] 44[3][3]
Copy notation 2[2[73]] 3[3[73]]
H* function H(H(23))
Taro's multivariable Ackermann function A(3,A(3,239)) A(3,A(3,240))
Pound-Star Notation #*((1))*(10,4)*17 #*((1))*(5,4,6,1)*8
BEAF {1000,1+{10,72}}
Hyper-E notation E(3+3E72)
Bashicu matrix system (0)(1)[15] (0)(1)[16]
Hyperfactorial array notation (53!)! (54!)!
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_2(f_2(234))\) \(f_2(f_2(235))\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^22}(234)\) \(H_{\omega^22}(235)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\omega^{\omega^{\omega7+2}3+3}}(10)\)


Numbers By SuperJedi224

Fibonacci Numbers

Pound-Star Notation

Based on the Faxul

Googovipleccix family

Graham Sequence Numbers

-Illion numbers

"-Illion" numbers by SuperJedi224
