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Letter Notation is a mathematical notation created by MatthewNotebook.[1]


The Letter Notation is in form similar to the Arrow notation. It is based on 26 functions A, B, …, and Z denoted by single capital alphabets allowing both the standard convention using parentheses and the abbreviation of the parentheses. Namely, A(x) for an input x can be also denoted by Ax.

Ax = 10x. A1 = 10; A5 = 100000; A100 = googol; AA100 = A(A100) = googolplex.

Bx = Ax(1). B1 = 10; B2 = AA1 = 1010 = Dialogue; B3 = AAA1 = 101010 = Trialogue;

Cx = Bx(1). C1 = 10; C2 = BB1 = B10 = Dekalogue;

Dx = Cx(1). D1 = 10; D2 = CC1 = C10 = Deka-taxis;

And etc etc. Although it is not clarified in the original definition, the domains of those functions are perhaps the set of positive integers.


According to the creator, the main advantage of this notation is the Letter Notation is easy-to-learn.[2]


According to the creator, the main disadvantage of this notation is that it cuts short at Z and thus has a limit to its growth.[2]


  1. MatthewNotebook, My Googology Notation. (Retrieved at UTC 22:30 03/08/2021)
  2. 2.0 2.1 The first version of this article.