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Gugoldatoll is equal to E10,000##10,000 using Hyper-E notation.[1] The term was coined by Sbiis Saibian. This number belongs to the gugold regiment.

HaydenTheGoogologist2009 coined googol translate for this number.[2] It is the 34th number of Meet yourself in 105 degrees Celsius.

Approximations in other notations[]

Notation Lower bound Upper bound
Arrow notation \(10000 \uparrow^{10000} 10001\) \(10000 \uparrow^{10000} 10002\)
Chained arrow notation \(10000 \rightarrow 10001 \rightarrow 10000\) \(10000 \rightarrow 10002 \rightarrow 10000\)
BEAF \(\{10000,10001,10000\}\) \(\{10000,10002,10000\}\)
Hyperfactorial array notation 10,000![1] 10,001![1]
Bird's array notation \(\{10000,10001,10000\}\) \(\{10000,10002,10000\}\)
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_{\omega}(10,000)\) \(f_{\omega}(10,001)\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^{\omega}}(10,000)\) \(H_{\omega^{\omega}}(10,001)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\varphi(\omega,0)}(10,000)\) \(g_{\varphi(\omega,0)}(10,001)\)


See also[]
