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A gazillion normally refers to an indefinitely large quantity, like a zillion. However, some people have given definite values to this name.

Calvin and Hobbes definition[]

This definition comes from the following Calvin and Hobbes comic strip:

Calvin: Psst! Susie, what's 7 + 6?
Susie: Three hundred billion gazillion.
Calvin: Oh, thanks for the big help!
Susie: That's a three, followed by 85 zeroes.
Calvin: Ah! I knew that.

Since 300 billion gazillion is equal to \(3 \cdot 10^{85}\), a gazillion would then be equal to \(10^{74}\), or one hundred tresvigintillion.[1][2] If you use the long scale, a gazillion is equal to \(10^{71}\).

Cookiefonster calls 300 billion gazillion = \(3 \cdot 10^{85}\) the "Calvin and Hobbes number".[2]

Greg Clarke's definition[]

Greg Clarke defined gazillion as 1086,340.[3]


For the Calvin and Hobbes definition:

Notation Lower bound Upper bound
Scientific notation \(1\times10^{74}\)
Arrow notation \(10\uparrow74\)
Steinhaus-Moser Notation 44[3] 45[3]
Copy notation 9[74] 1[75]
Taro's multivariable Ackermann function A(3,242) A(3,243)
Pound-Star Notation #*(7,16,5,1)*16 #*(2,3,2,0,2,4)*8
BEAF {10,74}
Hyper-E notation E74
Bashicu matrix system (0)(0)(0)(0)[42169] (0)(0)(0)(0)[42170]
Hyperfactorial array notation 55! 56!
Fast-growing hierarchy \(f_2(237)\) \(f_2(238)\)
Hardy hierarchy \(H_{\omega^2}(237)\) \(H_{\omega^2}(238)\)
Slow-growing hierarchy \(g_{\omega^{\omega7+4}}(10)\)


See also[]

Numbers from A googol is a tiny dot

Hypermathematics: bigoogol · trigoogol · quadrigoogol · coogol(plex)
Hyperlicious: wakoogol(plex) · wakamoogol(plex) · wonkapoogol(plex) · ultron
Numbers with a W: woogol · wiggol · waggol · weegol · wigol · woggol · wagol · bwoogol · bwiggol · bwaggol · bweegol · bwigol · bwoggol · bwagol
Primes: Gooprol · Booprol · Trooprol · Quadrooprol
Other: Bentley's Number · Pigol · Egol · Phigol · gongol(plex) · kaboodol(plex) · gaz(illion)
