Wiki Googologie

En utilisant la notation psi de Buchholz, l'ordinal , généralement appelé l'ordinal de Takeuti-Feferman-Buchholz, est un grand ordinal dénombrable qui est l'ordinal de la théorie de la preuve de -CA+BI[1], a subsystem of second-order arithmetic. C'est aussi l'ordinal de la théorie de la preuve de -comprehension+transfinite induction[2] In googology, the ordinal is abbreviated to TFBO.[3] Il est différent de en:Buchholz's ordinal, qui est abrégé en BO.


It is the limit of en:Feferman's theta function, as well as the limit of the fonction de Buchholz. It is the order type of D10 in en:Buchholz's ordinal notation (OT,<).

It is also the ordinal measuring the strength of l'hydre de Buchholzs with ω labels, as well as the upper bound of the SCG function.

It was named by David Madore under the nickname "Gro-Tsen" on wikipedia.[4]


  1. Buchholz, Feferman, Pohlers, Sieg, Iterated inductive definitions and subsystems of analysis: recent proof-theoretical studies (1981)
  2. D. Madore, A Zoo of Ordinals (#1.21) (2017, accessed 2020-11-25)
  3. Fish, Abbreviation, Googology Wiki user page.
  4. (see the end of "Going beyond the Bachmann-Howard ordinal")